Break Legs Agent - Auditions

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Appointment Required Comp Tickets Drama Play Stipend

Almost, Maine

Theatre Coppell

Welcome to Almost, Maine, a place that’s so far north, it’s almost not in the United States. It’s almost in Canada, actually. And it’s not quite a town because its residents never got around to getting organized. So it almost doesn’t exist. One cold, clear, midwinter night, as the northern lights hover in the star-filled sky above, the residents of Almost, Maine, find themselves falling in and out of love in unexpected and hilarious ways. Knees are bruised. Hearts are broken. But the bruises heal, and the hearts mend – almost – in this delightful midwinter night’s dream.

  • Monday, February 10, 2025 at 7:00 PM
  • Tuesday, February 11, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Where: Wheelice Wilson, Jr. Theatre at Coppell Arts Center - 505 Travis St, Coppell, TX 75019

Directions: Google Maps to Event Venue Apple Maps to Event Venue

Director: Bobbi Ritcheske
Asst. Director: Peggy Rosson
Asst. Director: Kate Ritcheske

  • Sign up:
  • Appointments will be given priority, and walk-ins will be taken as time allows.
  • If you cannot attend one of the dates above, please contact to discuss other options.
  • For auditions, be prepared to present a 1-2 minute monologue from memory
  • Auditions will include readings from the script (sides will be available at the audition)
  • Those auditioning should be prepared to list all conflicts or potential conflicts and availability for the rehearsal period as specified in the audition notice
  • No conflicts accepted during performances


  • Rehearsals will begin Monday, February 17
  • Generally held on weeknights (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri) from 7:00pm – 10:00pm, and Sunday afternoons from 2:00pm – 5:00pm
  • A detailed rehearsal schedule will be made available upon the completion of casting
  • Tech/dress rehearsal week: March 23-27


  • Performance dates: March 28, 29, 30, April 4, 5, 6 & 11, 12, 13
  • Friday & Saturday evenings @ 8pm & Sunday matinees @ 2:30pm

Available Roles

All roles are available. Theatre Coppell seeks diverse performers, including but not limited to, ethnicity, race, color, country of origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, body size, marital status, adults of all ages, religion, beliefs, political affiliations, socioeconomic status, experiences, and any form of disability.

The play is structured as vignettes with a Prologue, Interlogue, and Epilogue. Multiple character roles will be cast and the cast size adjusted to our needs. (2-9 Adult Males) and (2-10 Adult Females).


Pete and Ginette, who have been dating for a little while.

Her Heart

East, a repairman, and Glory, a hiker.

Sad and Glad

Jimmy, a heating and cooling guy; Sandrine, his ex-girlfriend, and a salty Waitress.

This Hurts

Marvalyn, a woman who knows pain, and Steve, a man who does not.

Getting It Back

Gayle and Lendall**, longtime girlfriend and boyfriend.

They Fell

Randy and Chad, two “Aroostook County Boys”—longtime friends.
Deena and Shelly, two “Aroostook County Girls”—longtime friends.

Where It Went

Phil, a hard-working husband, and Marci, his hard-working wife.

Story of Hope

Hope, who has traveled the world, and a Man, who has not.

Seeing the Thing

Rhonda, a tough woman, and Dave, the not-so-tough man who loves her.